Our People

The Baratta Center for Global Business at Georgetown McDonough is a top global destination for global business research. Guided by Professors Anil Khurana and Ricardo Ernst, the center provides thought leadership and helps solve key issues for global business. 

Our Team

Anil Khurana

Executive Director of the Baratta Center for Global Business and Research Professor of the Practice

Ricardo Ernst

Baratta Chair in Global Business and Executive Director, Latin American Leadership Program

Joseph Feuer

Director of Research and Member Initiatives

Daniela Muhaj

Associate Director for Research and Technology Initiatives

Joe Jasper

Associate Director of Marketing and Events for The Baratta Center for Global Business

Faculty Fellows

Jennie Bai

Research Associate at National Bureau of Economic Research

Raj Desai

Professor | PECO Field Chair
Co-Director, Masters in International Business and Policy Program

Kasra Ferdows

Professor Emeritus
Professor of Operations and Analytics

J Bradford Jensen

McCrane/Shaker Chair in International Business and Director of the Izmirlian Program in Business and Global Affairs and Co-Academic Director, International Business and Policy

Andreas Kern

Teaching Professor

Amrita Kundu

Assistant Professor

Ashley Lenihan

Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and Deputy Director, MSFS

Nuno Limao

Wallenberg Chair in International Business and Finance

Rodney Ludema

Professor and Director, Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy (IBD) | Chair, Department of Economics

Lindsay Oldenski

Joseph and Abigail Baratta Professorship

Stephen Weymouth

Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor
Dewey Awad Fellow

Global Business Advisory Board

The Baratta Center for Global Business has assembled an outstanding team of business professionals from across the world to advise the center on its vision and activities. The Baratta Center Advisory Board leverages resources to enhance the school’s ability to position itself as a leader in global business education, promoting the school’s faculty research and thought leadership in the field of global business, as well as helping frame key topics and themes for the center to study.