GCC 2035 Conference

Exploring the Future of Regionalization, Global & Regional Industries, and Trade & Investments

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The GCC 2035 Conference, co-hosted by the Baratta Center for Global Business at Georgetown’s University McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University in Qatar, the Qatar Ministry of Finance, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretariat, will be held on October 3, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Doha, Qatar.

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Following the theme, Exploring the Future of Regionalization, Global & Regional Industries, and Trade & Investments,” the conference will address the complex political and economic landscape, focusing on post-COVID economic recovery, technological and climate advancements, and the challenges posed by global geopolitical tensions. Discussions will explore the GCC’s potential to develop a robust regional and collaborative model amidst these challenges, examining best practices and innovations from around the world.

The event will feature four roundtable panels and keynote presentations by GCC ministers, global investors, industry executives, and senior government officials. Key outputs will include an event summary report, and, in early 2025, an informal white paper co-authored by the Baratta Center and the GCC Secretariat, outlining actionable insights and strategies.

9:00 a.m. – Keynote 1: Opening Speech by Qatar Minister of Finance — His Excellency Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari

9:45 a.m. – Panel 1: Industries of the Future and Models of Collaboration
This panel will explore the current and future needs of the GCC region that create regional investment opportunities, focusing on key sectors such as infrastructure, energy, food, education, healthcare, tourism, manufacturing, media & technology, downstream petrochemicals and energy-intensive industries. Discussions will delve into future industries and value chains globally, such as renewables, decarbonisation, EV, AI, and media, and how the GCC can leverage its core capabilities to become a leader in these areas. The panel also will address the potential for GCC countries to “overtake at the curve” by enhancing skills development and job creation, particularly in the context of AI and big tech. Additionally, the panel will examine how GCC players can collaborate to create synergies and opportunities, drawing lessons from recent successes in economic development across various sectors.

10:35 a.m. – Keynote 2: Speech by Renowned Global Development Economist — Mr. Tarik Yousef, Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East Council on Global Affairs

11:00 a.m. – Panel 2: National Visions and Strategies (with Undersecretaries of the GCC countries)
This panel will discuss the progress of each GCC country toward their national vision and strategy, identifying the distance from 2030 goals and the key opportunities and challenges. Panelists will discuss how these opportunities and challenges are being managed, and the commonalities and differences across national visions and strategies. Opportunities to share lessons learned, as well as how to collaborate to overcome challenges, will be key points of the discussion.

11:45 a.m. – Lunch Break and Networking

1:00 p.m. – Panel 3: Investors from GCC and Outside 
This panel will focus on the role of foreign direct investment in driving regional economic development in the GCC and strategies to attract and retain global investors and strategic partners. Discussions will highlight the role of GCC sovereign wealth funds in technology transfer and economic diversification, lessons learned from past investments, and best practices for building a robust regional investment ecosystem that supports sustainable development. The panel also will address the creation of stronger local public markets to attract capital and know-how, complementing U.S. and European exchanges.

2:00 p.m. – Keynote 3: Speech by a Leading GCC Sovereign Wealth Fund or Private Equity leader 

2:30 p.m. – Panel 4: GCC Ministers of Finance/ Economy
This panel will discuss how GCC countries can leverage regional cooperation to enhance economic resilience amidst global geopolitical shifts and balance regional economic priorities against global demands. Key topics will include creating a unified economic strategy that balances national and regional goals, managing geopolitical risks, and strengthening regional cooperation to create a competitive advantage. The panel also will explore policies to diversify economies beyond hydrocarbons, considering social and cultural development to attract more people to the region, and lessons from other regional economic integration efforts.

3:30 p.m. – Closing remarks by the Baratta Center and the Qatar Minister of Finance, and GCC Secretariat

Speakers and moderators to be announced soon.

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